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Chatham Weather by Season


Chatham lies far out at sea on the elbow of the Cape, at Latitude 41.40 North and Longitude 69.58 West. We are fortunate in having navigable waters on almost three sides, and, as a result, the average summer temperature is close to 70 degrees. We do have fogs but rarely cold in summer. They are a boon to our gardens and usually yield to the sun by noon. Chatham fogs are just another conversation piece.

Autumn & Indian Summer

This is one of our finest seasons, growing more popular each year. The water is never bluer than in October, the air is bracing and dry, the scenery at its best with the sharpest colors of the year. Swimming in September and early October is not too cold for some hardy folk.

Indian Summer lingers through September, October and well into November - a succession of glorious days and cool evenings. It's an uncrowded time for tennis and golf, bicycling and hiking, beach exploring, sailing and fishing. It's all part of Chatham's Indian Summer. Come savor it with us!


Our average winter temperature is about ten degrees warmer than on the mainland. We do get an occasional fall of snow which doesn't last.


March to May is just spring and we expect the thermometer to read in the upper thirties to the low fifties most of the time. But when June comes, it Busts Out All Over. The waters of Pleasant Bay sparkle and soon our famous roses and early flowers are in bloom everywhere.

For Current Cape Cod Weather call 508-976-6666, 508-976-1212, or 508-976-6200.

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